Saint Augustine
"A man of courage is also full of faith."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
*the word "crazy" in this post are of positive meaning: "to become unusually different"
crazy /ˈkreɪzi/adjective (crazier, craziest)...extremely enthusiastic:example: I’m crazy about Cindy ; (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or unlikely:
Phrases: "like crazy": to a great degree; very intensely:example: we are just working like crazy
Christopher Reeve was probably one of the most memorable Superman actor in history, Bryan Singer, director of Superman Returns claimed that Brandon Routh, who got to play Superman in his movie has a close similarity with the late Mr. Reeve in terms of creating a perfect & unique "combination of vulnerability & confidence" which depicts this superhero that's publish for the first time in 1938.
For all you movie & showbiz enthusiasts, there should be a notion about a phenomena in which a very powerful role "killed" (the carier of) the actor/actress. No matter how hard they try, people will always remember them as a certain figure and they can never move on or be successful in any other role afterward. As far as my limited sights can be, I can mention several roles & names of these "victims", they are - to name a few - Anakin Skywalker/ Darth Vader in Star Wars II, Attack of The Clones and Star Wars III, Revenge of The Sith, portrayed by Hayden Christensen, and the most obvious, Christopher Reeve the actor of the unmatched charismatic fiction figure ever, Superman.

The same thing happened to James Caviezel, the actor of the person with the greatest in magnitude and most consuming name in my opinion, Jesus Christ in The Passion of The Christ. Not only known, admired, even worshiped by so many in the world, the power & influence of the name extends way much longer through history of man, much more than Superman. If Superman was considered a heroic figure, so many considered Jesus Christ as truly a hero, even a Savior. If a Superman actor would have been so admired & loved, anyone portraying Jesus would be both awed & excommunicated.
During the offer of Jesus' role, director Mel Gibson had warned that this role would hurt Caviezel's acting career whose then was rising after portraying fictional Private Witt, a US soldier in a World War II movie, Thin Red Line. In the making, Caviezel who had to learn Aramic (Jesus' traditional language) went to serials of trials including shoulder dislocation during the "via dolorosa" scene, hypothermia during crucifixion scene, hit by sharp whip, and ultimately struck by lightning!

The same thing happened to James Caviezel, the actor of the person with the greatest in magnitude and most consuming name in my opinion, Jesus Christ in The Passion of The Christ. Not only known, admired, even worshiped by so many in the world, the power & influence of the name extends way much longer through history of man, much more than Superman. If Superman was considered a heroic figure, so many considered Jesus Christ as truly a hero, even a Savior. If a Superman actor would have been so admired & loved, anyone portraying Jesus would be both awed & excommunicated.

To become truly alive, one should find his / her calling. You can never be excited living outside your calling. By saying about being alive or living, I was referring to a Javanese word (NOT :D) "passionate". God has installed a specific calling inside your very being and your passion is both the detector & indicator.
Grasping God's love to us mankind is probably the deepest & hardest thing to do, even though the experience is right there, in our lives, every second. How about you? At least that's what I've experienced. Each time I was drawn (or re-drawn) nearer by and to him, I can somehow sense beyond explanation that I was "aimed" to a better destination. And most of the time I find it hard to explain what that destination would be or would be like neither can I tell in exact where the path is leading me to.

Nevertheless, one fact is clear, "crazy" people never view his/her life as the most significant. They are too crazy & too buzy to be narcissistic. Whether it's a brainwashed terrorist or an extremely generous philanthropist, they 're focused (and most times obsessed & consumed) with an ideal and/or (other) people.
To those obsessed in making God happy & enriching the lives of others, their earth axis have moved outside them. That enables their life's "planet" to rotate with more spaces for far more wealth, purchase powers, and invincible compassion. The rotation will eventually increase in million times momentum, devouring anything standing in its path. This selfless rotating world creates an enormous gravity, pulling weak floating aimless souls, overshadowing and nourishing them.
Before leaving this earthly life, Christopher Reeve had become more that an ordinary actor with a dusty old story of great roles and acts inside a cupboard. Reeve was memorized as a strong & inpiring person just like the hero he portrayed. Hayden Christensen was still in the business, finishing at least a widescreen movie every year without an absence after his role ended in Star Wars, he also takes many commercial roles for notable brands. Jim Caviezel, still living from acting, doing fine roles in box office movies. Though he might not be the most popular in man's eye, Caviezel had accepted the role of the suffering Christ and had made the Risen Christ the main story of his life.
These three actors had made a huge decision and had performed a certain measure of craziness, courage, and faith. Which area of your life that you think you should be crazier? Whether it's a dream of a successful business, a dream profession, a soul mate, or any other things you've considered larger than life, it's time to stop glancing outside the stall glass, stop flipping your wallet wondering whether or not you're able to pay the price. It's time to ask God who had not only act but truly performed the suffering and sacrifice on our behalf and for our sake that we'd be enabled to follow his "crazy" love & passion.
"Because just like Christ, The Firstborn, only the craziest live life to the fullest and furthermore embrace eternity."
Nevertheless, one fact is clear, "crazy" people never view his/her life as the most significant. They are too crazy & too buzy to be narcissistic. Whether it's a brainwashed terrorist or an extremely generous philanthropist, they 're focused (and most times obsessed & consumed) with an ideal and/or (other) people.
To those obsessed in making God happy & enriching the lives of others, their earth axis have moved outside them. That enables their life's "planet" to rotate with more spaces for far more wealth, purchase powers, and invincible compassion. The rotation will eventually increase in million times momentum, devouring anything standing in its path. This selfless rotating world creates an enormous gravity, pulling weak floating aimless souls, overshadowing and nourishing them.
Before leaving this earthly life, Christopher Reeve had become more that an ordinary actor with a dusty old story of great roles and acts inside a cupboard. Reeve was memorized as a strong & inpiring person just like the hero he portrayed. Hayden Christensen was still in the business, finishing at least a widescreen movie every year without an absence after his role ended in Star Wars, he also takes many commercial roles for notable brands. Jim Caviezel, still living from acting, doing fine roles in box office movies. Though he might not be the most popular in man's eye, Caviezel had accepted the role of the suffering Christ and had made the Risen Christ the main story of his life.
"Because just like Christ, The Firstborn, only the craziest live life to the fullest and furthermore embrace eternity."
Crazy Blogger,
Felix Zhao