A Caffeinated Wisdom
by Felix Kurnia (Notes) on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 11:43am
backed up from my previous versions on friendster, then facebook, then now .. blogger! :) gosh.. time sure flies!!

Good for me for having so much time waiting for Sylvia, my girlfriend at Starbucks Coffee. I’ve been trying to follow golden advices I’ve been hearing lately about making each available opportunity as my chance of learning. Just then, I’ve finished 28 pages of things to know for new motorcycle owners. It’s been fun knowing about the “true or false”, “fact of fiction” on bikes maintenance and usage I’ve been hearing all my life.
I’ve also listened (well… overheard) a conversation between an expatriate couple on how’s living in Singapore and other Asian countries lately (gosh, they seem so adventurous! Cool.) Hmm, by the way, the Espresso Brownies got better and better with each bite. Not a loss at all considering more than 2 hours of enjoying what seems to be a never-ending delicious meal for a reasonable price. I think I’ve just got a grip and revelation of the so called “café way” of enjoying things, especially meals and drinks. You have to have other things to work on or think about, or even better, some friends or loved ones to chat or to have serious discussion with while slowly sip your favorite blend of beverage or a small bite of cake. It’s the art of enjoying the unfocused, a little at a time … slowly, and as I practice this newfound art, a strum of memory crossed my mind.

It’s Thursday night, December 8th, 2006, two days ago exactly. While waiting for my appointment with an internist, I happened to read a business magazine. There’s a quote that says something like this, “After a spectacular success, a quiet contemplation will be followed by greater breakthroughs. Hmm … I wonder if this is where I am now, behind typical ambience of a coffee shop … a quiet contemplation?
I always enjoy quiet times … inside. It’s been a while for me to know that it doesn’t really matter what happen outside or surround us (or sometimes what does NOT happen, regarding failures and disappointment) … you’ll always have an “upper room”, a “secret chamber” where you can see things beyond this life with this limited time frame. To understand deeper, we might correct previous statement from “to see things” into “to be given sight of things”. I can somehow feel and know beyond doubt that it involves divine interventions so that we can experience altering tipping point (in either calming or shocking way) that suddenly peace of mind and positive changes finally manifest themselves.
Thought it’s invisible, you can sense with your being that many times though you might be sitting on the same coffee shop couch, you’re actually being altered to another realm that’s to some extent parallel to this matter-based universe. Some might call this spiritual experience, sightings, visions, revelation, or maybe higher consciousness or awareness. I often call this realm “the mercy seat” or at some special occasion “the holiest of holies”. Why? Some might realize my writings and ask why I use these Biblical terms. It’s because that’s exactly what they are, a sign of mercy, and a manifestation of grace.
It’s a choice whether to believe that positive turning points, momentum, and changes happen to us just by chance or by other cause … by grace. These experiences remind me continually and once more of the “prime cause”, the main reason, meaning, goal, and purpose of my existence, and also those around me just then, now, and ahead … God.
It is in times like these that I was brought to the awareness that He holds control of everything. Everything is in His care and notice, even things we think He had missed. He gives us an espresso shot we can always handle. He always comes with a customized blend specially brewed and mixed to suit our unique needs. Not to strong, not to dark, not to creamy, some sweet spices here and there, accompanying a measure of mostly bitter mixture. That’s how I see my God, my Father in all His doings, making our lives a unique and fabulous blend, handed just in time to this dull, tired world to taste.

I hope whether my life cup is hot or cold, or just cool, He will hear people say to Him, “You are an awesome God, and You make awesome comfort and delights out of everyone for everybody.” Let’s be “mixable” and “blend able” for God everybody!
“Now thanks to God, which always causes us to triumph, in Christ, and makes manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
GBU all - FKZ
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