"We're all in a journey in paths where love showers us, salvation & hope appear out of nowhere, if we only stop a while and take a closer look .."

Monday, April 29, 2013

How He Sees Us - a lesson from “The Phantom Menace”

by Felix Kurnia FB (Notes) on Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at 10:06am
Star Wars Phantom Menace poster
Dear friends,
I’ve finally finished the last 40 minutes of StarWars Ep.1 “The Phantom Menace” last night. (Where have i been all these times? U might ask)
Though it’s sad to watch the death of Qui-GonJin (hope i spell the name correctly, man.. I like that Jedi knight, not only in fighting scenes, a real futuristic knight), i manage -in God’s awesome creativity- to grip a wonderful lesson thru this legendary hexalogy. That is what happened between Qui-Gon, ObiWan, and little Anakin Skywalker.
The way i see the trust Qui-Gon placed in little talented Anakin is so overwhelming. He determined to train this young boy to become the next Jedi knight. He choose to do that in spite of the diagreement from the Jedi Council. Even Yoda, the most influential Jedi character in my point of view, stated that Anakin has a “clowdy future”. Qui-Gon still believes that Anakin will bring balance to “the Force” whatever that means, i believe little Anakin will achieve great things, but back then those greatness were just potentials. Even in his dying breath, Qui-Gon plead ObiWan, his apprentice to continue his unfinished mission, “It’s to late now … Teach the boy …” (great act by Liam Neeson!).  We all know that Anakin would finally turned into Darth Vader, the main antagonist of the story (ep. IV, V, VI), but in the end before his death he fulfilled the "prophecy", restoring the balance through his son, Luke, one of the main protagnist.
Now … let’s get back to the 21st century’s reality. I learnt that that’s just exactly the way our Father God sees us. Potentials can be “killed” thru bad weakening statements or by lack of understanding from both us and other people. Yet, we would always be responsible to pull the trigger, whether we would continue walking in God’s given purpose, or … just giving up to things people might have said or done to us, mostly in the past, some might still be a part of our life’s struggle.
Our Father God believes that He never creates failures, He does not make bad decision in making us and giving us this life now. He sees many things that most people would’ve failed to see. He sees great things in you and me. That’s really an encouraging thought for us i believe.
So, don’t give up .. find out great things God has planted in your life, because they are seeds that someday will grow to a remarkable glory of God, transmitted thru our lives. Stay focus, stay humble, stay loving to God and others and He will exalt us in due time.

Since, thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life. (Isaiah 43:4)
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time (1 Peter 5:6)

GBu all 

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